Monday, August 2, 2010


Posted by vennela at 5:42 AM
Acne Cause – Treatment Tips for Beautiful Look

Categorized Beauty Tips
Acne Cause – Treatment Tips for Beautiful Look

To look gorgeous and graceful all that you have to do is spend little time every day for nourishing and caring for your skin.
Acne (Pimples)

Acne is a common problem faced by almost all teen-agers and youth.
Acne occurs when hair follicles are clogged by dead skin cells. Hair follicles produce an oil called sebum.


If this oil builds up in the clogged pore it becomes infected, and the hair follicle becomes inflamed. If the follicle bursts, the infected matter inside the pores spreads across the skin, infecting the surrounding area and creating new pimples.

Treatments for acne

Acne can and does cause enormous suffering for those who are affected by it, and needs to be treated as soon as possible. Early treatment should limit the severity of acne and prevent the physical and psychological scarring that can be caused by acne.

Treatments for acne

Available treatments for acne today include medicated cleansers, exfoliants, benzoyl peroxide, Retin A, topical antibiotics, physical treatments, oral antibiotics, intralesional corticosteroids, hormonal therapy, systemic corticosteroids, accutane, and natural treatment formulas.

Salicylic Acid:

Salicylic acid is a mild astringent that dries the skin and removes dead skin cells.
Salicylic Acid1
Topical antibiotic:

These kind of externally applied antibiotics are formulated as water-alcohol solutions, creamy lotion, gels, and ointment.

Topical antibiotic

They are very effective in mild-to-moderate acne and dry up pustules quickly.

Top 5 Beauty Tips for Girls

Who will not have the desire to look beautiful? We all want to be the cynosure and look stunning among a crowd.Young girls, specially, spend lots of money and energy on choosing their beauty products – all with the hope to look beautiful. If you have all the desire and put in all that effort, you will definitely look beautiful. There are various beauty tips for girls which should be followed meticulously. For that sexy appearance, follow the various beauty suggestions for girls and get the desired look. It is not that tough but you have to be a bit disciplined while following the beauty tips.

1. Make it a habit to drink minimum 8 glasses of water everyday. Also practice to take foods which are rich in Vitamin A and C. They help you a lot to look beautiful naturally. To maintain the shine on your skin, you can try to mix honey with water and drink it daily while you wake up from sleep. Your skin shall not only shine but also become smooth.

2. We all know that our skin needs a moisturizer. To hydrate our skin naturally, one can try to massage the skin with milk. This will also keep the fresh glow of the skin intact.

3. Keep the temperature of your room mild such that your skin doesn’t get too much dried. To have a mild effect on your skin, as you need to keep the room temperature moderate, go for humidifiers.

4. Take a bath with lukewarm water and always remember to use a mild soap. Don’t use hot water as it will make your skin all the more dry. Be gentle while rubbing your skin with a towel; never be harsh with your skin.

5. Always try to eat uncooked raw fruits and fresh vegetables. After cooking and heating the food, the fluorine is destroyed – whose deficiency can lead to scaly skin. Remember that the deficiency of sodium can cause a wrinkled skin. Nobody would want such a skin. To combat wrinkles on your skin, have lots of cucumber. It acts as a substitute for sodium deficiency. Not only rich in sodium, cucumber is also an enabler to keep your body cool – provides a great relief during summers.

Top 10 Hair Care Tips

Besides a great face, beautiful, shiny hair completes the basic definition of a good appearance and enhances our personality. But not everyone is lucky enough to be blessed with naturally beautiful hair. For some of us, the bad hair days don’t seem to end even after years and we may need to go that “extra mile” to make sure our hair is getting all the care and nourishment it needs to fight against dirt, pollution and stress every day.

Relax! All hope is not gone. We’re not asking you to spend a fortune on expensive hair care products or Hair Treatment Salons. All you need to do is follow our simple, homemade haircare recipes that will help you cure some of the common hair problems like dry brittle hair, dandruffs and split ends.

Follow our Top 10 Hair Care Tips listed below in your daily routine and enjoy a natural bounce and shine in your hair:

1. Concentrate on a balanced, healthy diet rich in essential nutrients. Ensure the inclusion of calcium, iron and protein in your daily diet.

Eat raw oats since it is a rich source of silica which is vital for hair growth. Vitamin B and C are also essential for hair growth.

2. Cleansing your hair is important on a regular basis, especially if you live in hot, humid climate. The accumulation of sweat on your scalp can cause fungal infections that can result in loss of hair and other skin problems.

Though it is not possible to monitor the water source regularly, try to avoid using harsh water as it may damage the roots of your hair. Use your fingertips rather than nails while applying shampoos and conditioners on your hair.

3. The combing technique is crucial for healthy hair. Before combing your hair,

it is better to separate the hair tangles with a wide-tooth comb by combing gently in downward direction. Since your hair is weakest when wet, try to soak it dry with a towel before combing.

4. Drying your hair with a hair dryer can rob the hair of essential moisture.

Opt for “air dry” rather than “hair dry”.

5. Condition your hair as often as possible to make up for the harm caused by the pollutants present in the environment

, for ex-sun, chlorine, hard water and air pollution.

6. Follow a hair trimming procedure on a regular basis to get rid of the spilt ends and ensure a healthy hair growth.

7. Make use of natural/organic conditioners and shampoos for cleaning and conditioning your hair if you can.

Don’t get swept off by big brands and labels since most of them have chemicals and synthetics which can have adverse effect on your hair and skin. Before trying out a product, check the composition.

8. Wear a Hairstyle that complements your dressing and personality. Be careful while choosing hair-styling products.

Let your hair relax, don’t experiment too much with styling-it may cost you your hair!

9. Healthy sleeping patterns can help you solve many hair problems, so get a good 7-8 hour sleep everyday.

10. Get a hair massage once or twice a week since it stimulates and improves blood circulation in the scalp, which enhances hair growth.


Mix equal proportions of tomato juice, lemon juice and milk and apply on face and body. Lemon as a skin tonic

The juice of a fresh pear and apple with a few drops of fresh lemon juice acts as a good skin tonic.

Face and body pack with lemon and milk

A fresh lime may be squeezed into a cup of milk to which a teaspoon of glycerin may be added. Stir well. Apply it on your face, neck, hands, legs and feet, an hour before retiring to bed. Keep it on for half an hour and then wash off. This application every night will make the skin look younger and beautiful. This application works well on pimples and scars, is good for cracked soles and palms, dryness of face and hands, and sun-burn.

Lemon and yoghurt pre-bath gel:

Turmeric when combined with lemon and starch, acts as an effective cleanser and also forms a barrier between the drying effect of chlorinated water and body skin. The following is an excellent body pack.

Mix 8 tsp of yoghurt (curds), 3 tsp. Lemon juice, 1 tsp of any vegetable oil. Apply this body pack with firm, upward movements. Wash off after 10 minutes and take a bath. This is perhaps one of the oldest skin rejuvenation therapies. Use this at least thrice a week for a satiny skin.

Get Rid of Acne Scars

At some point you had acne, now you are left with embarrassing, ugly scars. There are ways to diminish and reduce the appearance of the acne scars. The severity of the scars will determine what you will need to do to diminish them. I would recommend seeking advice from a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon to determine the best course of action.

For very mild scarring you can try a few at home procedures and products to help reduce the appearance of the scars. At home dermabrasion and chemical peels can help diminish some scarring especially if you also use retinol or alpha hydroxyl acid lotions or creams. For sensitive skin you may not want to apply retinol or alpha hydroxyl products right after dermabrasion or peels because it can cause redness and irritation. Other products you can try are scar reducing creams like Mederma or Rosehip seed oil which is said to be great at reducing scar tissue. Aloe Vera juice and gels and lavender oils are also said to work well on reducing scars.

Professional treatments for scarring include Laser Resurfacing which involves the use of a laser to remove skin so new skin can form in its place. Laser resurfacing can cause uneven skin tones in people with darker skin. It is still being studied but shows a lot of promise. After treatment you may experience redness and swelling which may last for several weeks.

Dermabrasion has been around for decades. Originally sandpaper was used to remove damaged skin. Now a machine rotates to remove the damaged skin, the skin is numbed or frozen first. After the procedure your skin is raw and scabs will form. After the scabs heal your skin will be reddish for several weeks.

Augmentation is a procedure where material like collagen or your own fat will be injected under the scar to bring it to the surface. The treatments last for about six months but they are working on more permanent solutions.

Subcision is a technique that detaches the scar from deeper tissue and allows a pool of blood to form under the scar. The blood clots and helps form connective tissue under the scar to level it with the rest of the skin surface. Subcision is usually combined with either dermabrasion or laser resurfacing.

The depth and shape of your scars will determine what treatment your doctor will recommend

Make Your Skin Attractive

Skincare is as necessary as taking food for your body. Beautiful skin improves the beauty of a woman. With soft and clear skin, you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Anywhere you will go, the center of attention will be you. Without a proper knowledge, you can damage the healthy texture of the skin. Choose some of the best skin care products and know how to apply them for getting a beautiful look.

You can also follow a few beauty regimes to protect the skin from any harmful effects. Some beauty skin tips are essential to exfoliate your appearance. Such tips will also tell you how you can pamper your skin with some home beauty treatments.

Guidelines for healthy skin:


You might be well-informed that cleansing the skin, you can get a healthy and glowing texture of it. It is a wonderful process through which you can add glow to your skin. The process helps in removing dirt and oil from the skin. Every day, after coming back from outside, apply this process.


Exfoliation wipes off dead skin cells from the skin. You have to do it with gentle hand. Only twice a week, focus on this beauty care treatment.


For a healthy and hydrated skin, moisturizing is so important. You can choose a water based moisturizer if your skin is oily. Oil based formula is good for dry skin type women. Every night it should be applied


Sunscreen protection is very crucial for your skin. A good sunscreen lotion makes the skin soft and smooth. The main purpose of the product is to prevent the skin from sun damage. Apply SPF 15 or SPF 20 or SPF 30 if you want to protect the skin from the harsh effects of the sun.

Water solution

Drink around 8 to 9 glasses of water daily. It hydrates the whole body and adds glow and glamor to the skin.

Proper sleep
Regular sleep gives the skin healthy texture. At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary for all. In addition, don’t take alcohol or cigarette if you want to enjoy a healthy skin.

Skin care home recipe

* Collect some orange peel and make a paste of orange peel and rose water. Apply the combination on the skin. You will be surprised by the glowing effects of your skin.

* Make a face mask with the help of egg white and honey. Gently massage it on your skin. It will eliminate tan from the face.

* Cleansing with cucumber adds glow to the skin. Mixing cucumber juice with milk, you get a wonderful cleanser.

* To pamper oily skin type, make a mixture of lemon, grapes, egg white. After leaving it for 20 minutes, rinse the preparation with warm water. Lemon will offer your skin the cleansing effects. Grapes add softness to the skin. Egg white will make the skin firmer.

1 comments on "BEAUTY TIPS"

Anita on August 2, 2010 at 6:41 AM said...

i like this post...thx!

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Monday, August 2, 2010


Acne Cause – Treatment Tips for Beautiful Look

Categorized Beauty Tips
Acne Cause – Treatment Tips for Beautiful Look

To look gorgeous and graceful all that you have to do is spend little time every day for nourishing and caring for your skin.
Acne (Pimples)

Acne is a common problem faced by almost all teen-agers and youth.
Acne occurs when hair follicles are clogged by dead skin cells. Hair follicles produce an oil called sebum.


If this oil builds up in the clogged pore it becomes infected, and the hair follicle becomes inflamed. If the follicle bursts, the infected matter inside the pores spreads across the skin, infecting the surrounding area and creating new pimples.

Treatments for acne

Acne can and does cause enormous suffering for those who are affected by it, and needs to be treated as soon as possible. Early treatment should limit the severity of acne and prevent the physical and psychological scarring that can be caused by acne.

Treatments for acne

Available treatments for acne today include medicated cleansers, exfoliants, benzoyl peroxide, Retin A, topical antibiotics, physical treatments, oral antibiotics, intralesional corticosteroids, hormonal therapy, systemic corticosteroids, accutane, and natural treatment formulas.

Salicylic Acid:

Salicylic acid is a mild astringent that dries the skin and removes dead skin cells.
Salicylic Acid1
Topical antibiotic:

These kind of externally applied antibiotics are formulated as water-alcohol solutions, creamy lotion, gels, and ointment.

Topical antibiotic

They are very effective in mild-to-moderate acne and dry up pustules quickly.

Top 5 Beauty Tips for Girls

Who will not have the desire to look beautiful? We all want to be the cynosure and look stunning among a crowd.Young girls, specially, spend lots of money and energy on choosing their beauty products – all with the hope to look beautiful. If you have all the desire and put in all that effort, you will definitely look beautiful. There are various beauty tips for girls which should be followed meticulously. For that sexy appearance, follow the various beauty suggestions for girls and get the desired look. It is not that tough but you have to be a bit disciplined while following the beauty tips.

1. Make it a habit to drink minimum 8 glasses of water everyday. Also practice to take foods which are rich in Vitamin A and C. They help you a lot to look beautiful naturally. To maintain the shine on your skin, you can try to mix honey with water and drink it daily while you wake up from sleep. Your skin shall not only shine but also become smooth.

2. We all know that our skin needs a moisturizer. To hydrate our skin naturally, one can try to massage the skin with milk. This will also keep the fresh glow of the skin intact.

3. Keep the temperature of your room mild such that your skin doesn’t get too much dried. To have a mild effect on your skin, as you need to keep the room temperature moderate, go for humidifiers.

4. Take a bath with lukewarm water and always remember to use a mild soap. Don’t use hot water as it will make your skin all the more dry. Be gentle while rubbing your skin with a towel; never be harsh with your skin.

5. Always try to eat uncooked raw fruits and fresh vegetables. After cooking and heating the food, the fluorine is destroyed – whose deficiency can lead to scaly skin. Remember that the deficiency of sodium can cause a wrinkled skin. Nobody would want such a skin. To combat wrinkles on your skin, have lots of cucumber. It acts as a substitute for sodium deficiency. Not only rich in sodium, cucumber is also an enabler to keep your body cool – provides a great relief during summers.

Top 10 Hair Care Tips

Besides a great face, beautiful, shiny hair completes the basic definition of a good appearance and enhances our personality. But not everyone is lucky enough to be blessed with naturally beautiful hair. For some of us, the bad hair days don’t seem to end even after years and we may need to go that “extra mile” to make sure our hair is getting all the care and nourishment it needs to fight against dirt, pollution and stress every day.

Relax! All hope is not gone. We’re not asking you to spend a fortune on expensive hair care products or Hair Treatment Salons. All you need to do is follow our simple, homemade haircare recipes that will help you cure some of the common hair problems like dry brittle hair, dandruffs and split ends.

Follow our Top 10 Hair Care Tips listed below in your daily routine and enjoy a natural bounce and shine in your hair:

1. Concentrate on a balanced, healthy diet rich in essential nutrients. Ensure the inclusion of calcium, iron and protein in your daily diet.

Eat raw oats since it is a rich source of silica which is vital for hair growth. Vitamin B and C are also essential for hair growth.

2. Cleansing your hair is important on a regular basis, especially if you live in hot, humid climate. The accumulation of sweat on your scalp can cause fungal infections that can result in loss of hair and other skin problems.

Though it is not possible to monitor the water source regularly, try to avoid using harsh water as it may damage the roots of your hair. Use your fingertips rather than nails while applying shampoos and conditioners on your hair.

3. The combing technique is crucial for healthy hair. Before combing your hair,

it is better to separate the hair tangles with a wide-tooth comb by combing gently in downward direction. Since your hair is weakest when wet, try to soak it dry with a towel before combing.

4. Drying your hair with a hair dryer can rob the hair of essential moisture.

Opt for “air dry” rather than “hair dry”.

5. Condition your hair as often as possible to make up for the harm caused by the pollutants present in the environment

, for ex-sun, chlorine, hard water and air pollution.

6. Follow a hair trimming procedure on a regular basis to get rid of the spilt ends and ensure a healthy hair growth.

7. Make use of natural/organic conditioners and shampoos for cleaning and conditioning your hair if you can.

Don’t get swept off by big brands and labels since most of them have chemicals and synthetics which can have adverse effect on your hair and skin. Before trying out a product, check the composition.

8. Wear a Hairstyle that complements your dressing and personality. Be careful while choosing hair-styling products.

Let your hair relax, don’t experiment too much with styling-it may cost you your hair!

9. Healthy sleeping patterns can help you solve many hair problems, so get a good 7-8 hour sleep everyday.

10. Get a hair massage once or twice a week since it stimulates and improves blood circulation in the scalp, which enhances hair growth.


Mix equal proportions of tomato juice, lemon juice and milk and apply on face and body. Lemon as a skin tonic

The juice of a fresh pear and apple with a few drops of fresh lemon juice acts as a good skin tonic.

Face and body pack with lemon and milk

A fresh lime may be squeezed into a cup of milk to which a teaspoon of glycerin may be added. Stir well. Apply it on your face, neck, hands, legs and feet, an hour before retiring to bed. Keep it on for half an hour and then wash off. This application every night will make the skin look younger and beautiful. This application works well on pimples and scars, is good for cracked soles and palms, dryness of face and hands, and sun-burn.

Lemon and yoghurt pre-bath gel:

Turmeric when combined with lemon and starch, acts as an effective cleanser and also forms a barrier between the drying effect of chlorinated water and body skin. The following is an excellent body pack.

Mix 8 tsp of yoghurt (curds), 3 tsp. Lemon juice, 1 tsp of any vegetable oil. Apply this body pack with firm, upward movements. Wash off after 10 minutes and take a bath. This is perhaps one of the oldest skin rejuvenation therapies. Use this at least thrice a week for a satiny skin.

Get Rid of Acne Scars

At some point you had acne, now you are left with embarrassing, ugly scars. There are ways to diminish and reduce the appearance of the acne scars. The severity of the scars will determine what you will need to do to diminish them. I would recommend seeking advice from a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon to determine the best course of action.

For very mild scarring you can try a few at home procedures and products to help reduce the appearance of the scars. At home dermabrasion and chemical peels can help diminish some scarring especially if you also use retinol or alpha hydroxyl acid lotions or creams. For sensitive skin you may not want to apply retinol or alpha hydroxyl products right after dermabrasion or peels because it can cause redness and irritation. Other products you can try are scar reducing creams like Mederma or Rosehip seed oil which is said to be great at reducing scar tissue. Aloe Vera juice and gels and lavender oils are also said to work well on reducing scars.

Professional treatments for scarring include Laser Resurfacing which involves the use of a laser to remove skin so new skin can form in its place. Laser resurfacing can cause uneven skin tones in people with darker skin. It is still being studied but shows a lot of promise. After treatment you may experience redness and swelling which may last for several weeks.

Dermabrasion has been around for decades. Originally sandpaper was used to remove damaged skin. Now a machine rotates to remove the damaged skin, the skin is numbed or frozen first. After the procedure your skin is raw and scabs will form. After the scabs heal your skin will be reddish for several weeks.

Augmentation is a procedure where material like collagen or your own fat will be injected under the scar to bring it to the surface. The treatments last for about six months but they are working on more permanent solutions.

Subcision is a technique that detaches the scar from deeper tissue and allows a pool of blood to form under the scar. The blood clots and helps form connective tissue under the scar to level it with the rest of the skin surface. Subcision is usually combined with either dermabrasion or laser resurfacing.

The depth and shape of your scars will determine what treatment your doctor will recommend

Make Your Skin Attractive

Skincare is as necessary as taking food for your body. Beautiful skin improves the beauty of a woman. With soft and clear skin, you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Anywhere you will go, the center of attention will be you. Without a proper knowledge, you can damage the healthy texture of the skin. Choose some of the best skin care products and know how to apply them for getting a beautiful look.

You can also follow a few beauty regimes to protect the skin from any harmful effects. Some beauty skin tips are essential to exfoliate your appearance. Such tips will also tell you how you can pamper your skin with some home beauty treatments.

Guidelines for healthy skin:


You might be well-informed that cleansing the skin, you can get a healthy and glowing texture of it. It is a wonderful process through which you can add glow to your skin. The process helps in removing dirt and oil from the skin. Every day, after coming back from outside, apply this process.


Exfoliation wipes off dead skin cells from the skin. You have to do it with gentle hand. Only twice a week, focus on this beauty care treatment.


For a healthy and hydrated skin, moisturizing is so important. You can choose a water based moisturizer if your skin is oily. Oil based formula is good for dry skin type women. Every night it should be applied


Sunscreen protection is very crucial for your skin. A good sunscreen lotion makes the skin soft and smooth. The main purpose of the product is to prevent the skin from sun damage. Apply SPF 15 or SPF 20 or SPF 30 if you want to protect the skin from the harsh effects of the sun.

Water solution

Drink around 8 to 9 glasses of water daily. It hydrates the whole body and adds glow and glamor to the skin.

Proper sleep
Regular sleep gives the skin healthy texture. At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary for all. In addition, don’t take alcohol or cigarette if you want to enjoy a healthy skin.

Skin care home recipe

* Collect some orange peel and make a paste of orange peel and rose water. Apply the combination on the skin. You will be surprised by the glowing effects of your skin.

* Make a face mask with the help of egg white and honey. Gently massage it on your skin. It will eliminate tan from the face.

* Cleansing with cucumber adds glow to the skin. Mixing cucumber juice with milk, you get a wonderful cleanser.

* To pamper oily skin type, make a mixture of lemon, grapes, egg white. After leaving it for 20 minutes, rinse the preparation with warm water. Lemon will offer your skin the cleansing effects. Grapes add softness to the skin. Egg white will make the skin firmer.


Anita on August 2, 2010 at 6:41 AM said...

i like this post...thx!

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